About Us

B & A Travel and Tourism is a modern company with 18 years 'know-how' and aim to book your trip to anywhere in the world be it for business or pleasure, instantly providing your plane ticket, bus, boat or train, just like any tour package with any national or international operator.

We have at your disposal a professional team of the highest quality and sympathy to plan and organize your trip to your measure.

We will provide you the best and most comfortable hotel or resort during their stay without forgetting the best value for money.

Power you we will provide through our services at a price that suits you, a car of your choice anywhere in the world. B & A Travel and Tourism has an intimate relationship with nature, help you we will choose the best resort or hotel to make your diving course (PADI and CMAS) or, and if it is of interest to the practice of other sports as windsurfing, canoeing, arch or other outdoor sports, come to the right website.

We will provide you all information regarding to your trip, documentation and information necessary in relation to public health (vaccines, malaria prevention, etc ...), ensuring and maintaining its peace and security.

We look forward to your esteemed visit.

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Em cumprimento da lei nº 144/2015 informamos que para a resolução de conflitos de consumo deve ser contactada a comissão arbitral do Turismo de Portugal www.turismodeportugal.pt

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